“…and the plan is that we should all walk with her to drink tea at Faringdon” – Walking in the footsteps of Jane Austen, 7.5 miles, easy

October 9, 2022 @ 10:35 am
Alton station
Station Rd, Alton GU34 2PZ

This 7.5-mile walk from Alton explores the beautiful countryside that inspired Jane Austen, and includes a visit to her house at Chawton.

This is the shorter of two overlapping walks from Alton starting at the same time, the other being led by Tom H.

Booking is required for this walk, via the form here.

Pace: gentle. Ascent: 108m.

Walk details

The two groups will head out of Alton together, before dividing shortly after the A31. This walk then heads south, following the course of the Caker Stream, one of the headwaters of the River Wey. Upon reaching Upper Farringdon, the walk enters true Jane Austen country, as the section we will now follow from Upper Farringdon to Chawton was reputedly one of her favourite walks. Entering Chawton past Chawton House and St Nicholas’s Church, we’ll reach Jane Austen’s House. This was Jane Austen’s home for the final eight years of her life, and where she was living when the first four of her novels were published (the remaining two were published after her death, but were written at Chawton).

Jane Austen’s House admits ten visitors every fifteen minutes. On reserving your place on the walk, please book your own ticket (cost: £12) for the 2pm slot, or the earliest available after that if it is already full.

Chawton is also home to Cassandra’s Cup tea rooms and the Greyfriar pub, at one of which there will be a stop after the visit to Jane Austen’s House. The aim is to reunite the two groups in Chawton for the final stretch into Alton, where we can wait at the Railway Arms pub if there is a long wait for the trains home.

All thanks go to Tom H for this walk, who did all the planning, recceing and writing (everything except the actual leading, as he can’t be in two places at once!)

Travel details

By public transport

Please travel on the 9.18 train from Reading, arriving at 10.31, if travelling by train. The walk leader intends to travel on this train – if it is delayed the start of the walk will be as well.

Please note that there is a rail strike the day before the walk. We are expecting the service the morning after to run, but please look out for any late changes.

By car

Pay-by-app parking is available at the station. Please note that Reading to Alton is only about 25 miles and the drive takes around 45 minutes in clear traffic. If you decide to drive instead of taking the train, please be prepared to offer lifts to others.


  • If you or someone else from your household has COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend.
  • Please bring a packed lunch and a drink.
  • It might be muddy – please wear suitable footwear.
  • Please feel free to contact the leader with queries about the walk, or if you are delayed on the day.