Hungerford and Kintbury: cross-country and canal, 5.5 or 8.75 miles, easy

September 24, 2022 @ 9:30 am
Hungerford station
Hungerford (HGD)
Hungerford RG17 0DD
Zak & Shannon

A morning stroll across the rolling countryside from Hungerford to Kintbury, where there is the option to either finish at the station or continue back to the start point along the canal after lunch for a longer walk.

Booking is required for this walk, via the form here.

Pace: gentle. Ascent: 100m or 125m.

Walk details

This walk begins across the open common land of Hungerford Port Down before continuing across via the gently rolling farmland and woodland to the south and east, taking in part of one of the Berkshire Circular Routes around Anvilles and passing north of Inkpen as we make our way into Kintbury, where the shorter linear version of the walk ends.

Depending on time, those doing the longer circular version of the walk will stop for a packed lunch on arrival in Kintbury, followed (if space is available) by a short pub stop at the Dundas Arms. If it’s too early for lunch, then we may visit the pub first (even if tea/coffee is more in demand than alcoholic drinks at that time!) and stop for lunch during the second part of the walk, which follows a picturesque section of the Kennet and Avon Canal all the way back to Hungerford.

If doing the longer version, please bring a packed lunch (we don’t plan to stop at the pub long enough to order a pub lunch there). If doing the shorter version, there will be no lunch stop until the end of your walk.

Travel details

By public transport

From Reading, take the fast 09:02 train (also calling at Newbury at 09:17), arriving into Hungerford at 09:26. The walk leaders intend to travel on this train – if it is delayed then the start of the walk will be.

There are hourly trains back towards Newbury and Reading from both Hungerford and Kintbury, and also from Kintbury back to Hungerford.

By car

Parking is available at Hungerford station, where charges will probably apply.

If doing the shorter linear version of the walk, you can also park at Kintbury station and take the 09:10 train to Hungerford, to have your car ready when you finish.


  • If you or someone else from your household has COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend.
  • It might be muddy – please wear suitable footwear.
  • Please feel free to contact the leader with queries about the walk, or if you are delayed on the day.