Parks, Pubs and a Castle, 10.5 miles, easy/moderate

April 9, 2022 @ 12:00 pm
Newbury station (south side)
Newbury RG14 7NB

This 10.5 mile circular walk from Newbury Station takes in a number of parks and a castle. There will be a pub stop half way round and food at the Catherine Wheel at the end.

Booking is required for this walk, which is limited to 15 walkers, via the form here. Please sign up before 9pm on Thursday if you wish to be included in the table booking for food at the end.

Walk details

We will meet outside the south entrance to Newbury station.

We start by heading west from Newbury Station and walk through Skinners Green before crossing the A34. The route then takes us through fields until we reach Enborne at which point there will be a short amount of road walking before the late lunch stop.

The pub stop will be at Marsh Benham once we have walked through Hamstead Park. When suitably refreshed there will be a section of quiet road walking up to Stockcross. The route to Bagnor involves tracks and quiet roads. We will cross the A34 for the last time before walking through Castle Wood and visiting Donnington Castle.

For the final section of the walk we will walk though Donnington Country club and the town until we reach the Catherine Wheel for drinks and food. Aiming to arrive at 5pm. Please sign up before 9pm on Thursday 7th if you wish to be included in the table booking.

Travel details

By public transport

If travelling from Reading, take the 11:35 train, which is due into Newbury at 11:55.

By car

Parking is available at the station or the nearby Kennet Centre Multi Story Car Park.


  • If you or someone else from your household has COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend.
  • Please bring a packed lunch and a drink.
  • It might be muddy – please wear suitable footwear.
  • Please feel free to contact the leader with queries about the walk, or if you are delayed on the day.