“The distance is nothing when one has a motive” – Walking in the footsteps of Jane Austen, 13 miles, moderate/challenging

October 9, 2022 @ 10:35 am
Alton station
Station Rd, Alton GU34 2PZ
Tom H

This 13-mile circular walk from Alton explores the beautiful countryside that inspired two famous writers – Gilbert White and Jane Austen.

This is the longer of two overlapping walks from Alton starting at the same time, the other being led by Shannon.

Booking is required for this walk, via the form here.

Pace: medium. Ascent: 344m.

Walk details

Leaving Alton behind, the first stage is across wide open fields with expansive views, following the Hangers Way (please note: the name of this footpath is much less sinister than it at first sounds, deriving from an Old English word meaning “wooded hillside”) to the village of East Worldham. From East Worldham the route becomes more wooded as we head south towards Selborne. Selborne is world famous as the home of the pioneering eighteenth century naturalist Rev. Gilbert White, and the subject of his book “The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne”. Because of the connection with White, much of the land around the village is owned by the National Trust, including the Long Lythe, the wooded valley through which we will approach the village. The pub stop will be at the Selborne Arms.

There will be little rest after the pub stop as shortly after setting off again we climb to the top of Selborne Hill, the highest point on the walk. Our route will be slightly eased though by the zig-zag path up the hill, built by Gilbert White and his brother in 1753. After this, it’s time to turn north and head back towards Alton. Passing through woods and fields, we first reach Upper Farringdon. Here the walk enters true Jane Austen country, as the section we will now follow from Upper Farringdon to Chawton was reputedly one of her favourite walks. Entering Chawton past Chawton House and St Nicholas’s Church, we will hopefully reunite with the rest of the group outside Jane Austen’s House, and re-enter Alton via the appropriately named Writers’ Way. If there is a long wait for the train, we can head to the Railway Arms pub in Alton.

Travel details

By public transport

Please travel on the 9.18 train from Reading, arriving at 10.31, if travelling by train. The walk leader intends to travel on this train – if it is delayed the start of the walk will be as well.

Please note that there is a rail strike the day before the walk. We are expecting the service the morning after to run, but please look out for any late changes.

By car

Pay-by-app parking is available at the station. Please note that Reading to Alton is only about 25 miles and the drive takes around 45 minutes in clear traffic. If you decide to drive instead of taking the train, please be prepared to offer lifts to others.


  • If you or someone else from your household has COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend.
  • Please bring a packed lunch and a drink.
  • It might be muddy – please wear suitable footwear.
  • Please feel free to contact the leader with queries about the walk, or if you are delayed on the day.