Guidance for walk leaders: Ramblers walk leadership resources

There is a lot of further information available and advice on the main Ramblers website which may be of use to walk leaders, in particular on rights of way and access land, navigation and safety (including first aid, road, livestock, weather, flooding, level crossings, military sites and other hazards).

There is also a “Walk leadership foundations” e-learning module available on Assemble (the Ramblers volunteer portal) which while not required may be helpful to new leaders in particular. The “Volunteer welcome” module and “Safeguarding: Module 1” might also be of interest.
Finally, there are regular online (Zoom) “walk leader conversations” organised by Ramblers, giving an opportunity to discuss matters relating to walk leadership with both head office support staff and leaders from other groups around the country. These can be booked via the Ramblers Eventbrite page.

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