Guidance, Q&A and Training for Walk Leaders

A group such as ours can only keep running thanks to the efforts of its volunteers, and especially the walk leaders who contribute to the programme each week. We’re always keen to encourage and support new walk leaders to get started, both to ensure the group is in good shape for the future, and because leading walks can be a very rewarding experience.

Although our approach is generally that walk leading is something that anyone can do rather than the preserve of a special few, we realise that it can seem daunting at first without good support. To this end, we’ve recently refreshed our guidance for walk leaders covering a range of topics from planning a walk to dealing with anything that goes wrong. (While particularly relevant to new leaders, existing ones are also encouraged to have a look as it may cover points that you haven’t had to consider so far.)

While we hope this will help to clarify many aspects of what’s involved in leading walks, there is no substitute for either talking to those who do it regularly, or gaining hands-on experience yourself. With this in mind, we’re running a couple of events over the next month (you’re welcome to come to one or both).

If you’re thinking about leading for the first time, have led one or two but would like to gain more confidence, or are a regular leader happy to share ideas and experience, please come along if you can. If you’re interested but can’t make these dates then don’t worry as we hope to repeat them.

Thursday 27th April: Walk leaders’ Q&A, planning and social session

7pm Reading Biscuit Factory – all welcome, no sign-up required

This is an opportunity to get an explanation of some of the basics from experienced leaders, and ask any questions you might have. It will also be a chance for both new and existing leaders to share and discuss potential route ideas and perhaps buddy up to lead some of them.

Saturday 20th May: Walk leader Training Day

10:15am Goring – limited places, sign-up required

This will be a much more practical session, most of it taking place in the course of a shortish circular walk, during which we will stop to tackle various leading concepts along the way, with everyone having the opportunity to practice leading the group along part of the route.

— Zak (Walks Coordinator)