Joining the committee was my way of saying thank you! 🤠

Learn how I was inspired to join the committee, my experience and how you can join too!

Why did I join the committee?

My first walk with the Berkshire Walkers was in March 2020, the weekend before COVID-19 plunged the UK into lockdown. As soon as I had started my journey into Rambling it abruptly stopped. Although, I consider myself one of the lucky ones being able to work from home, it was difficult because I was on my own most of the time. In the meantime I started walking more in my local area and discovered lots of new footpaths to explore.

Once the BW’s resumed walks, I took up walking with the group again, it was a lifeline for me, to get out and get away from the computer and see other people. I definitely remember feeling significant gratitude to the walk leaders, committee and all the members who navigated all the rules, local lockdowns and still put on a fun & interesting walk despite all of that.

Early in 2021 while in the third national lockdown, I decided I wanted to give back to the group. Walking in between lockdowns with a group gave me additional fitness, discovery of new places, new friends and a better mental wellbeing. I decided the way I wanted to give back was joining the comittee. I talked with the current and former committee members to understand the different roles of the committee and decided that I’d like to stand as committee Chair.

My experience on the Committee

I have to say as Chair its been a very interesting first year. I’ve learnt about how a Ramblers group functions and how our group links up with the Area committee. I’ve learnt how innovative the walk booking system created by the committee was amongst ramblers groups and how we organise our weekly newsletter and website. I’ve also enjoyed listening to our passionate members sharing their ideas for improvements and then working with the committee to discuss how we can change our operating rules as needed.

I’ve also learnt there are so many ways people volunteer in our group and no matter big or small the contribution is always welcome. I would like to say a big thank you to all of this years volunteers in the group, from those that warmly welcome new members, back markers, walk leaders and my fellow volunteers that are on the current committee and all those in between.

How you can you volunteer for the committee?

Our group is run entirely by volunteers and we are seeking volunteers to join the committee for the year ahead to continue making sure the group is a great place to be. The committee team have detailed what the open committee positions are and what they entail. If you see something that interests you please apply online via the form by the 23rd November. The new committee will be elected next Sunday (27th) at our AGM. We have put together a fun programme of events – not 1 but 2 walks in the morning prior to the Annual General Meeting and a pub social afterwards. I look forward to seeing you there!


Chair of Berkshire Walkers