A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away… A group of 17 young walkers set off from Knowl Hill for a 6 mile hike. Upon returning to Knowl Hill, a full committee was formed, and the group known thereafter as the “Berkshire Walkers” was born*.
25 years later, in a galaxy not so far away, the group is stronger than ever, with more walks and more members than ever before.
Join us for our celebrations over the year, starting with a repeat of the first ever BW walk on 22nd February, retracing those first footsteps which changed the universe forever… We’ll also be hosting a SUMMER SPECTACULAR ceilidh later in the year, and a 25 mile long walk – watch this space for more details.
We’ve designed a fabulous new logo for the occasion (thank you Georgia!), and we’ll be distributing limited edition 25th anniversary badges throughout the year. We will also have a wider than usual selection of merchandise available when we do our summer t-shirt order, all branded with the 25th anniversary logo.
If you’d like to get involved and host a 25th anniversary event yourself, please do get in touch! There may be prizes involved…
From your 25th anniversary subcommittee (Shannon, Ed, Georgia, Paul, Michael and Andrew). Contact the team by emailing anniversary25@berkshirewalkers.co.uk.
*The exact entry in the Ramblers Berkshire Area records was: “The inaugural walk took place on Feb 26th [2000] with 17 young people … After the walk a meeting took place and a full committee was formed.”